+44 (0)1368 865 722
Dr Todd has a PhD on the ecology and acoustics of bats from the University of Leeds, UK, a Master of Science (MSc) in Oceanography (scholarship-funded by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI, US, and National Oceanography Centre, UK), and a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Marine Biology from the University of Liverpool, UK.
Dr Todd has a PhD on the ecology and acoustics of bats from the University of Leeds, UK, a Master of Science (MSc) in Oceanography (scholarship-funded by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI, US, and National Oceanography Centre, UK), and a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Marine Biology from the University of Liverpool, UK. Following the completion of her PhD, she undertook a post doc in commercial aquaculture at Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS, UK), planning and directing a comprehensive series of acoustic trials on seal scarers.
Dr Todd is experienced in Galapagos fish taxonomy, marine mammal acoustics and marine mammal visual and acoustic surveys worldwide for scientific, commercial and defence contracts. She is a trained Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Operator as per the New Zealand Department Of Conservation’s (DOC) ‘2013 Code of Conduct for minimising acoustic disturbance to marine mammals from seismic survey operations’ (www.CodeOfConductSeismicNewZealand.co.nz). She is a Visiting Scientist at Institute of Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR, Southampton University, UK), and a Fellow of the Linnean Society of London.
Research interests include bioacoustics, the North Sea rigs-to-reefs concept, harbour porpoise foraging ecology around offshore oil and gas installations, and the effects of anthropogenic noise on marine life, all of which are core research topics at OSC. Dr Todd’s current scientific duties include training, survey design and project management, fieldwork, data analysis, reports, literature reviews, advice documents, Marine Mammal Mitigation Plans or Protocols (MMMPs), and publishing. As the Chief Scientist, she also coordinates most research. Recent publications include first authorship of the ‘Marine Mammal Observer and Passive Acoustic Monitoring Handbook’ (www.marinemammalobserverhandbook.com). For an up to date list of publications see http://uk.linkedin.com/in/victoriatodd1/.
Dr Todd is a commercial diver, fluent in several foreign languages, has a penchant for corvids, speaking several rook dialects, and aspires to learn crow.